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Shipping and Returns

  1. We aim to deliver your Product to the place of delivery requested by you in your Order and the delivery time indicated by us at checkout of your order (updated in the Order Confirmation).

  2. We will notify you if we are unable to meet the expected delivery date, but, to the extent permitted by law, we will not be liable to you for any loss, liability, cost of damage or other costs arising from delay.

  3. Upon delivery of the Product, you may be asked to sign for delivery. You can contact Vedlyn Signature Customer Service at 0888-1128-423 or retail.vedlyn@gmail.com , in case of an error, defect or damage. You must be able to present the documents shipped with the Product, upon request.

  4. Please note that it may not be possible for us to deliver to some locations for some reason, we will notify you using the contact details you provide to us when you make your Order and arrange for cancellation of the Order or delivery to an alternative delivery address.

  5. We deliver Products in our standard packaging.

  6. All risk in the Product will pass to you upon delivery, except where delivery is delayed due to a breach of your obligations under the Contract risk will transfer not on the date when delivery will occur but when you commit the breach. From the time when the risk passes to you, we will not be responsible for any loss or damage to the Product. Any breach of obligations by you, may affect your ability to shop on Vedlyn Signature in the future.

  7. If you are not available to pick up or receive your shipment, we may leave a card with instructions for resending or picking up the item from the sending courier.

  8. If delivery or collection is delayed by an unreasonable refusal to accept delivery or if you do not (within two weeks of our first attempt to deliver the product to you) accept delivery or collect the Product from the sending courier, we (without affecting any other rights available to you) we) will do one or both of the following:

    • charge for costs incurred by us; or
    • does not make the product available for delivery or collection and notifies you that we will immediately cancel the applicable contract, in which case we will refund to you or your credit or debit card as applicable money paid to us in the contract, less administrative costs (including for attempting to deliver and then returning the Product, and any storage costs as provided for in clause 1 (a) above)

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